Historical Overview

The game of Six Empires begins in 1714. Europe is at peace, but its six most powerful nations eye each other warily. Each seeks supremacy. None can rise without lowering another. Who will stand above the rest? Observers at the time did not know. How will history play out in your hands?

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Read on for more details on each of the Empires!

The United Kingdom

On 1 May 1707, the United Kingdom of Great Britain came into being. The long-standing institutions of the British nations were fused into a single national purpose. This new nation made strong gains in the War of the Spanish Succession, winning control of Gibraltar from the Spanish as well as French recognition of British claims in Rupert’s Land.

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Playing as the United Kingdom, you will start the game with the strongest navy of any player, but your territories are scattered, and your army is not yet strong enough to march through Europe. You may have difficulties defending the far reaches of your empire should you let your position as the dominant naval power become threatened.

Can your leadership bring British dominance to land while maintaining it at sea?


The successful campaigns of Louis XIV launched France to the forefront of power in Europe, but united an array of jealous foes against him, culminating in the Grand Alliance which defeated France in the War of the Spanish Succession.

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Playing as France, you will begin with a powerful army and a navy second only to the United Kingdom’s. Your military power may enable an early lead in the race for power, but France itself is vulnerable to attack from many quarters, and a large proportion of your forces may be tied down defending your homelands.

Can you reestablish France’s place as the nation no empire is willing to confront alone?


Following the death of King Charles II, Phillip V was unexpectedly raised from Duke of Anjou to King of Spain, uniting the royal families of France and Spain and triggering the War of the Spanish Succession. Failures in this war forced the cession of Gibraltar, Naples, and the Spanish Netherlands.

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Playing as Spain, you will have an unrivaled base of power in the New World, but your opportunities for expansion will be limited without undertaking difficult overseas invasions, and the Spanish fleet is not yet ready to challenge either of the other empires occupying North America.

Can you reverse the course of Spain’s decline and return it to its former glory?


A half century of containing France in the west and confronting the Ottomans in the East has reshaped what was once known as the Holy Roman Empire. The house of Habsburg is cementing its power in Hungary and Serbia but its influence over the increasingly independent German States has waned. The recent acquisitions of the Netherlands and Naples from Spain have added yet new peoples to this increasingly multi-cultural empire.

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Playing as Austria, your position in the center of Europe will allow you to expand in any direction you choose, but you’ll have to guard against attacks from all sides. Savvy diplomacy may be more vital to your success than victory in any battle.

Can you expand the Austrian Empire without exposing yourself to a devastating attack?

The Ottoman Empire

Centuries of expansion have given the Ottoman Empire a strong foothold in Europe and an iron grip on the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. However, defeats at the battles of Vienna and Zenta broke the string of successful campaigns, and the rise of Russia in the North could present a dire threat to your hinterlands.

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Playing as the Ottoman Empire, your starting territories will be relatively well insulated from attacks, but your best opportunities for expansions are limited to the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, which will be coveted by Austria and Russia as well.

Can you renew the Ottoman conquests without entangling your empire in a prolonged and costly war?


Peter the Great’s focused and determined campaign to Westernize his empire brought Russia into the community of European Nations, and his decisive victory over Charles the XII at the Battle of Poltava cemented Russia’s position as the dominant power on the Baltic Sea, supplanting Sweden as the great power of Northern Europe.

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Playing as Russia, you’ll be geographically isolated and better able to defend your starting territories than any other player, but you will have to expand quickly or invest heavily in your fleet to have any meaningful influence on the balance of power.

Can you maintain Peter the Great’s momentum and transform Russia into an unchallengeable behemoth?

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